IM WT5000-01EN
Language (Language)
Sets the language that is used in the setup menu and messages.
Menu Language (Menu Language)
You can choose to display menus in any of the following languages.
• English
• Japanese
Message Language (Message Language)
Error messages appear when errors occur. You can choose to display these messages and the help using one
of the following languages. The error codes for error messages are the same for all languages. For details on
error messages, see the appendix in the User’s Manual, IM WT5000-02EN.
• English
• Japanese
Even if you set the menu or message language to a language other than English, some terms will be
displayed in English.
You can turn off the LCD and adjust its brightness.
Turning Off the Screen (LCD Turn OFF)
You can turn off the LCD. When the LCD is off, you can turn it back on by pressing a key.
Automatically Turning Off the Screen (Auto OFF)
The LCD turns off automatically when there are no key operations for a given time period. The LCD turns back
on when you press a key.
Time until the Screen Is Automatically Turned Off (Auto OFF Time)
You can set the time after which the LCD turns off automatically to a value within the following range.
1min to 60min
Brightness (Brightness)
You can adjust the brightness in the range of 1 (darkest) to 10 (brightest). You can prolong the LCD service life
by decreasing the LCD brightness or by turning off the LCD when you do not need to view it.
Grid Intensity (Grid Intensity)
You can set the grid (Grid) intensity to a value from 1 (darkest) to 8 (brightest).
19 Utility