IM WT5000-01EN
Notes about the Numeric Data Display
• “-------” is displayed if a measurement function is not selected or if there is no numeric data.
• If Urms, Umn, Udc, Urmn, Uac, Irms, Imn, Idc, Irmn, or Iac exceeds 140% of the measurement range, “-OL-”
is displayed to indicate an overload value.
• If the voltage or current exceeds 140% of the measurement range, “-OL-” is displayed to indicate an overload
value for P.
• If the measured or computed result cannot be displayed using the specified decimal place or unit, “-OF-” (for
overflow) is displayed.
• If rounding to zero is on, when the voltage or current measurement meets the following conditions relative
to the measurement range, Urms, Umn, Urmn, Irms, Imn, Irmn, and other measurement functions based
on these measurement functions are displayed as zero. The λ and Φ functions will return errors (“Error” is
• When the Crest Factor Is Set to CF3
When Urms, Uac, Irms, or Iac is 0.3% or less. When Umn, Urmn, Imn, or Irmn is 2% or less.
• When the Crest Factor Is Set to CF6 or CF6A
When Urms, Uac, Irms, or Iac is 0.6% or less. When Umn, Urmn, Imn, or Irmn is 4% or less.
• If the analysis window width (number of cycles of the fundamental signal) that is determined by the
fundamental frequency is shorter than the data update interval, harmonic data is not measured, and “-------” (no
data) is displayed. If this happens, increase the data update interval. For example, if the number of FFT points
is 1024, the data update interval is 50 ms and the fundamental frequency is 10 Hz (the period is 100 ms),
the analysis window will be 1 wave wide (see section 6.7 in the Getting Started Guide, IM WT5000- 03EN),
and the data measurement interval will be 100 ms. In this case, the time required for harmonic measurement
is approximately 150 ms or greater (data measurement in data processing time). To measure and
display harmonic data, set the data update interval to a value greater than or equal to 200 ms.
• There is no overload value indication (“-OL-”) or zero indication (rounding to zero) for the numeric data of
harmonic orders 0 (DC) to 500.
• If the measured frequency is outside the measurement range, the fU, fI, f2U, f2I, fPLL1, or fPLL2 function
returns an error (“Error” is displayed).
• If λ is greater than 1 or less than -1, λ and Φ are displayed as follows.
λ < -2 or 2 < λ
10 Numeric Data Display