IM 701730-17E
USB Interface
When Switching from Remote to Local Mode
Pressing SHIFT+CLEAR TRACE when the instrument is in the remote mode causes the
instrument to switch to the local mode. However, this is void when the DL1720E/
DL1740E/DL1740EL has received a
":COMMunicate:LOCKout ON"
command from
the PC (local lockout condition). When the DL1720E/DL1740E/DL1740EL receives a
":COMMunicate:REMote OFF"
command from the PC, the DL1720E/DL1740E/
DL1740EL switches to the local mode regardless of the local lock condition.
• REMOTE indication at the lower right corner disappears.
• Key operations are enabled.
• The settings that existed in the remote mode are maintained even when the
instrument switches to the local mode.
The USB interface cannot be used simultaneously with other communications interface (GP-
IB, or Ethernet).
2.2 USB Interface Functions and Specifications