IM 701730-17E
Sets/Queries the T/Div
Sample1(GPIB) Set/Get TDIV
Private Function GpibTdiv() As Long
Dim sts As Long
sts = InitGpib 'Initialize GPIB
If (sts <> 0) Then
GpibTdiv = 1
Exit Function
End If
sts = GetTdiv 'T/DIV Function
If (sts <> 0) Then
GpibTdiv = 1
GoTo GpibTdivEnd
End If
GpibTdiv = 0
Call CloseDevice 'Device Close
End Function
Sample4(USB) Set/Get TDIV
Private Function UsbTdiv() As Long
Dim sts As Integer
sts = InitUsb 'Initialize USB
If (sts <> 0) Then
UsbTdiv = 1
Exit Function
End If
sts = GetTdiv 'T/DIV Function
If (sts <> 0) Then
UsbTdiv = 1
GoTo UsbTdivEnd
End If
UsbTdiv = 0
Call CloseDevice 'Device Close
End Function
Private Function GetTdiv() As Long
Dim msg As String 'Command buffer
Dim qry As String 'Query biffer
Dim sts As Long
Dim rlen As Long
msg = Space$(100)
qry = Space$(100)
msg = "TIMEBASE:TDIV 2ms" 'Set T/div = 2ms
sts = TmSend(Dev, msg) 'Send Command
If (sts <> CTL_OK) Then
Call DisplayError(Dev)
GetTdiv = 1
Exit Function
End If
msg = "TIMEBASE:TDIV?" 'Get T/div value
sts = TmSend(Dev, msg) 'Send Command
If (sts <> CTL_OK) Then
Call DisplayError(Dev)
GetTdiv = 1
Exit Function
End If
sts = TmReceive(Dev, qry, Len(qry), rlen) 'Receive Query
If (sts <> CTL_OK) Then
Call DisplayError(Dev)
GetTdiv = 1
Exit Function
End If
Query(0) = Left(qry, rlen - 1)
GetTdiv = 0
End Function
7.4 Sets/Queries the T/Div