Normal Setting
Increases the m (th) digit of the source value by 1 digit
Command = UPm<Delimiter>
Answer = UP, OK <Delimiter>
m = 1 to 5 (1: Least Significant Digit to 5: Most Significant Digit)
Normal Setting
Sets and queries start/stop of 24 V DC (LOOP) power supply
Command = VOm<Delimiter>
Answer = VOm <Delimiter>
Command = VO?<Delimiter>
Return = VOm <Delimiter>
This controls the ON/OFF of output of 24 V LOOP measurement power
supply (output from measurement terminals).
This can only be set when the measurement function is DCA.
Parameter m = 0: Stop Supply/1: Start Supply
Initial Value m = 0 (Stop Supply)
8.4 Error Code List
Err 00
No error (No error code is displayed on the LCD)
Err 11
Received a command that is not used by the instrument
Err 12
The parameter specified for the command is incorrect
Err 13
Received a command that cannot be executed due to
the instrument state
Err 14
Attempted to charge the battery when no AC power supply is
Err 15
Attempted to charge the battery when no NiMH battery is
Err 16
Detected error during calibration
Err 20
24 V DC (LOOP) measurement power supply error
Err 23
The current or voltage of the source output has become
Err 60
The setting value storage information of
the EEPROM is inappropriate
Err 61
The measurement calibration value storage information of
the EEPROM is inappropriate
Err 62
The source calibration value storage information of
the EEPROM is inappropriate
Err 79
ROM check error at power on
Err 80
RAM check error at power on
8.4 Error Code List