The AR500X Tab
tab is provided to make changes to the default configuration of the AR5001
and AR5002 HHD. There are settings that are specific to these models that do not apply to
the model 4000 HHDs.
Prompt when not matching displayed location
: When enabled, the HHD will display a
dialog box when a reading is received with a Meter ID that does not match the Meter ID
at the currently displayed location. The user will have options to either apply that reading
to the current location, or search for this (AMR) ID within the route.
Prompt when not found on route
: When enabled, the HHD will display a dialog box
when a reading received was searched for and was not found anywhere on the route.
The user will have options to either apply the reading to the currently displayed location,
or store the reading and Meter ID as a non-route meter.
Enter note on apply
: Only available if one of the
option has been checked.
When enabled, if the operator chooses the
option to store the reading at the
currently displayed location, it will also force a note to be stored with this account. Text
for this note can be entered in the box to the right of this field.
Append ECR/Register ID
: This is available once the
Enter note on apply
option has
been selected. If checked, it will automatically append the corrected Meter ID to the
end of your note which allows for easy correction of that account back in the office.A
common use for the above ECR/Register ID matching options is to simplify the process
of fixing incorrect Meter IDs. For example, assume all these options are enabled and
the text
New Meter ID=
is entered in the
Enter note on apply
field. If the meter reader
knows they are at the correct location displayed on the HHD screen and the Meter
ID doesn't match, they can choose the option to Apply, and a note New
Meter ID=
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