9457 Industrial Computer
Derating the Power Supply
On the average, the temperature within the 9457 is 7-10°C higher than that outside the
enclosure. When the ambient (exterior) temperature reaches 42°C, the system’s power
supply will begin to derate at a rate of 3.25 watts per increase of 1°C. The 9457 is rated
to work at temperatures up to 50°C. At 50°C, the power supply should be derated to
125 W of total power available for expansion cards with an AT5+ processor board in-
stalled. Refer to Table Chapter 3 -1 for more information.
Total current available for expansion cards after derating at 50°C ambient outside tem-
perature (not to exceed 125 W):
Table Chapter 3 -1. Available Expansion Current
Available Current
+5 VDC
16.90 A
+12 VDC
7.00 A
-12 VDC
0.48 A
-5 VDC
0.50 A