HDMI 1.4/2.0 TX Subsystem
PG235 October 4, 2017
Application Software Development
This interrupt is triggered every time when an HDMI TX cable connection or disconnection
(HPD level transition) occurs.
The callback function needs to perform the following:
1. Check if the event is cable connected or cable disconnected:
XV_HdmiTxSs *HdmiTxSsPtr = (XV_HdmiTxSs *)CallbackRef;
1 - Connected
0 - Disconnected
2. Enable or disable the differential input clock buffer depending on if cable connection or
disconnection occurs, respectively.
void XVphy_IBufDsEnable(XVphy *InstancePtr,
u8 QuadId,
XVphy_DirectionType Dir,
u8 Enable);
3. Detect if the HDMI sink connected is HDMI 2.0 capable and if cable is connected.
int XV_HdmiTxSs_DetectHdmi20(XV_HdmiTxSs *InstancePtr);
4. Now, the HDMI sink has been detected, retrieve the sink EDID information, and store it
in a local buffer (256 bytes) using the following API:
int XV_HdmiTxSs_ReadEdid(XV_HdmiTxSs *InstancePtr,
u8 *Buffer);
This interrupt is triggered every time when an input video stream vertical sync is detected
by the HDMI TX sub-core.
The callback function can be used to construct and send InfoFrames to the Sink.
void XV_HdmiTxSs_SendAuxInfoframe(XV_HdmiTxSs *InstancePtr,
void *Aux);
This interrupt is triggered every time the Video PHY Controller is reconfigured and the
output clock is stabilized and ready for HDMI 1.4/2.0 Transmitter Subsystem to transmit
video stream.
The callback function needs to perform the following:
1. If a HDMI Retimer or equalizer is used in the system, configure the Retimer with the
correct setting based on the required line rate.
2. Enable TX TMDS Clock by calling Video PHY Controller API: