ADSL2+ Tester 5 Performing Measurements
72-0046-03A 60
Fig 33: ADSL2+ doubles the maximum data rate
ADSL2+ also provides an optional mode that doubles the upstream bandwidth which
will also provide a doubling of the upstream data rate.
ADSL2+ can also be used to reduce crosstalk. ADSL2+ provides the capability to use
only tones between 1.1 MHz and 2.2 MHz by masking the downstream frequencies
below 1.1 MHz. This can be particularly useful when ADSL services from both the
central office (CO) and a remote terminal (RT) are present in the same binder as they
approach customers' homes (Figure 34). The crosstalk from the ADSL services from
the RT onto the lines from the CO can significantly impair data rates on the line from
the CO.
Fig 34: ADSL2+ can be used to reduce crosstalk.