Fax Regulations
FFaaxx SSeenndd HHeeaaddeerr RReeqquuiirreem
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 makes it unlawful for any person to use a computer
or other electronic device, including a fax machine, to send any messages unless such a message
clearly contains in a margin at the top or bottom of each transmitted page, or on the first page of the
transmission, the date and time it is sent, and an identification of the business or other entity, or
other individual sending the message, and the telephone number of the sending machine or such
business, other entity, or individual. The telephone number provided may not be a 900 number or any
other number for which charges exceed local or long-distance transmission charges.
EEuurrooppeeaann U
RRaaddiioo EEqquuiippm
meenntt aanndd TTeelleeccoom
muunniiccaattiioonnss TTeerrm
miinnaall EEqquuiippm
The Facsimile was approved in accordance with the Council Decision 1999/5/EC for pan-European
single-terminal connection to the public switched telephone network (PSTN). However, due to
differences between the individual PSTNs in different countries, the approval does not assure
successful operation on every PSTN network terminal point.
If a problem occurs, contact your authorized local dealer.
This product was tested and is compliant with ES 203 021-1, -2, -3, a specification for terminal
equipment for use on analog-switched telephone networks in the European Economic Area. This
product provides a user-adjustable setting of the country code. Set the country code before you
connect this product to the network. Refer to the customer documentation for the procedure for
setting the country code.
Although this printer can use either loop disconnect (pulse) or DTMF (tone) signaling,
DTMF signaling is recommended for more reliable and faster call setup. Modification of this
product, connection to external control software, or connection to an external control
apparatus not authorized by Xerox, invalidates its certification.
SSoouutthh AAffrriiccaa FFaaxx RReegguullaattiioonnss
Use this modem with an approved surge-protection device.
B1025 Multifunction Printer
User Guide