LLooaaddiinngg PPaappeerr iinn tthhee O
Oppttiioonnaall TTrraayy 22
Tray 2 is an optional tray that holds a maximum of 250 sheets.
To load paper in Tray 2:
1. To remove the printer tray, grasp the notched area at the bottom of the tray, then pull the tray
toward you.
2. Move out the length and width paper guides
Pinch the paper guide levers on both guides.
Slide out the paper guides until they stop.
Release the paper guide levers.
3. Flex the sheets back and forth and fan them, then align the edges of the stack on a level surface.
This procedure separates any sheets that are stuck together and reduces the possibility of jams.
B1025 Multifunction Printer
User Guide