3. Click
Add a network, wireless, or Bluetooth printer
4. In the list of available devices, select the device that you want to use, then click
5. If your printer does not appear in the list, click
The printer that I want is not listed
6. Select
Add a printer using a TCP/IP address or hostname
, then click
7. For the Device type, select
Web Services Device
8. In the Hostname or IP address field, enter the printer IP address. Click
9. Select an option for sharing the printer with others in your network.
10. To identify the printer for sharing, enter a share name, location, and comments. Click
11. To set the printer as the default, select an option. To test the connection, click
Print a Test Page
12. Click
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The following allow you to print without requiring a print driver:
Mopria is a software feature that enables users to print from mobile devices without requiring a
print driver. You can use Mopria to print from your mobile device to Mopria-enabled printers.
Google Cloud Print
Google Cloud Print allows you to print documents from an Internet-connected device without
using a print driver. You can send documents stored in the cloud, on a personal computer, a tablet,
or smartphone to the printer from anywhere.
For more information, refer to the
System Administrator Guide
B1025 Multifunction Printer
User Guide