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Watkiss Automatic SpineMaster Service Manual - Edited 17/06/04
Installation Procedures
Installing the ASM onto a Watkiss TrimMaster
10. Check the Trimmer Control PCB. If it is Rel.C (marked
900-155C); check the L1 link position.
• If L1 is fitted with a jump switch, it must be in the ‘ON’
• If no jump switch is fitted, check that a link wire con-
nects the two pin positions.
Note: If PCB 900-155 Rel.D is fitted, please refer to separate
11. Disconnect the cable to PL1 (Main Control) and PL6
(DRV) on the Trimmer Control PCB.
12. Connect the interface cable to the 2 connectors PL1 and
PL6 on the Trimmer Control PCB and reconnect the two
previously disconnected cables to the connectors on the
interface cable.
13. Fit the green earthwire under the M5 screw (as shown).
14. Refit the side cover and fit the bypass plug into the inter-
face socket.
15. Reconnect the TrimMaster to the mains power supply
and check that the BookMaster/TrimMaster functions
correctly. This will prove that the interface installation is
correct. Check trim guard open function.
900-155C PCB part number
L1 link position
(jumper switch fitted)