I N S T A L L A T I O N D A T A S H E E T - P R O G R A M M I N G
New functionalities
Display of the keypad
Actions and commentaries
Area_n, Name_Device
The keypad emits beeps during the arming temporization time. However, if
a (non temporized) contact remained open, in less than 2 seconds the two
following menus displays :
The keypad emits a beep every 8 seconds and alternatevelly displays the
detection area for 4 seconds as well as the name of the device concerned
and for 4 seconds, it displays the possibility of ejecting the device or retry
rearming after having closed the contact concered.
The user has 3 minutes to make his/her choice, and exceeding this time the
panel forces the arm by ejecting the open device.
5. Management of contacts opened during
5.1 Arming by the keyboard
After arming of the master (trial mode, partial 1 or partial 2),
displays on the keypad :
5.2 Arming by remote control
Following the arming of the system with remote control (keys: ON,
partial 1, partial 2), the control emits a beep on pressing the key,
then emits two return beeps on the remote control (reception of
the arming process).
The remote control then emits a beep every seconds during
arming temporization time.
However, if a (non temporized) contact repained open, in less than
2 seconds, the remote control emits a long beep of 5 seconds
then stops which means you have to go to the keypad to verify
which contact is open and in which area the menus are displayed
on the keypad:
Display of the keypad
Actions and commentaries
Area_n, Name_Device
The keypad emits a beep every 8 seconds and alternatevelly displays the
detection area for 4 seconds as well as the name of the device concerned
and for 4 seconds, it displays the possibility of ejecting the device or retry
rearming after having closed the contact concered.
The user has 3 minutes to make his/her choice, and exceeding this time the
panel forces the arm by ejecting the open device.