1. Preamble
The VISIO XT panel called XTENDER, helps to improve and
improve an «classical» alarm wire system or mixed, already
present on site by adding a video camera radio.
The interest is based on transparence. Indeed, without changing
the habits of end users (arming/desarming their existing system),
the XTENDER adds to the master system and because of its
radio cameras, which makes it possible to remove the video
doubt on the intrusion.
The XTENDER is piloted and supplied by (with 12 volts) by the
alarm central of the existing master. The arming is induced by a
permanent 12 volts loop from the central master.
The XTENDER central is built to be supplied by a master panel,
however it is possible to use lithium 4 batteries as a power
supply back up.
2. The five installation steps
Power supply in 12 volts the XTENDER panel and/
or use 4 lithium batteries as a back up power.
And wired and /or loop arming (12 volts permantly)
Reset the XTENDER panel and record a keypad
(as in a classical central).
Program the panel and record the devices
Carry out intrusion tests
Delete the keypad
3. Connect the XTENDER and the
existing panel
4. Design principle
The arming of the master system is going to arm the
cameras associated to the XTENDER panel offering different
parametering possibilities : on the temporization outlet, on
the entry temporization, on the temporization of line in order
to transmit the video (especially if the XTENDER panel is
connected on the same telephone line as the master central).
Remark : It is highly recommended (as long as possible) to have
a dedicated PTT line for the XTENDER panel in order for it not
to occupy the master panel line, and thus ensure the better
transmission of the video.
The XTENDER panel exist also in GPRS version in this particular
case (Cf. Fiche installation XTENDER GPRS).
The loop 1
takes into account geographical areas 1 and 2
(area 1 temporized, area 2 instantaneous).
The loop 2
takes into account geographical areas 3 and 4
(area 3 temporized, area 4 instantaneous).
Permitting to partially arm the master panel to the two
available loops.
Remark : The cameras of the XTENDER panel can be
activated by triggering the master panel (regulate the validation
parameter arm of 5). But this type of arm remains atypical and
it is very rarely used.
Loop of armaments of the sys-
tem existing towards XTENDER
I N S T A L L A T I O N D A T A S H E E T - P R O G R A M M I N G
XTENDER Parameters
Be careful on the gap of
the sticker
Loop 2 (12V)
Loop 1 (12V)
0 Volt
12 Volt
Existing panel