4.19.1 Technical prerequirements for data transfer
To connect the PC to the control panel or for data transfer only is needed:
Tipo di collegamento / trasferimento
Required Material
Connection via USB port
IT-USB Interface with USB cable. (Ref.1056/013 or Ref. 1067/003)
Connection via PSTN telephone line
PSTN interface in control panel (Ref.1067/002)
Modem for teleservice and programming (Ref.1063/003)
Connection via GSM network
GSM module in control panel (Ref.1067/458)
Modem for teleservice and programming (Ref.1063/003)
Connection via ADSL
Ethernet interface (Ref. 1067/007)
ADSL Modem
PC side: Modem
Data download from USB key
Interface for USB key - (Ref.1067/003)
USB key
4.19.2 Personal computer requirements
Personal computer minimum configuration:
Pentium IV processor
256 MB Ram minimum
1,8 Ghz CPU
80 GB Hard Disk
Windows 2000/XP Service Pack 2/Vista/ Windows7
CD ROM reader
Available serial port or USB port
4.19.3 Saving data to USB key and restoring data
By using the interface for USB key (Ref. 1067/003) it is for safety reasons possible to save carried out programming into
USB key. Instructions for connecting the interface in control panel 1067/032 e 1067/042 are in the
Installation manual.
It is possible to separately save, in file form:
programming and configuration for the whole system
codes and keys
This data is saved into folder “1067” of USB key, and into subfolder having system code number as its name.
Folders, if not already present on the key, are automatically created by control panel.
All files have system number as their name and are differentiated as to their extension depending on their content.
E.g.: with control panel having system code 12345678, on USB there will be folder 1067:
12345678.cfg is the file which contains programming data, configuration data and control panel SW version
12345678.cod is the file which contains codes and keys
12345678.sto is the file which contains event log Programming and configuration “.cfg” data Files
File 12345678.cfg can be read and edited on PC with software FastPro 1067/001 and can be recovered by control panel.
This function is useful, as an example, to restore the configuration of a control panel, copy its configuration into another
control panel or transfer, into a control panel, a configuration that was previously prepared at the laboratory. Codes and keys “.cod” data Files
File 12345678.cod cannot be for safety reasons read by software FastPro 1067/001 and its content is encrypted.
It can only be recovered by control panel to be at any time able to restore previously saved codes and keys, or to copy
them from one control panel to another. Event log “.sto” data Files
File 12345678.sto can be read on PC with software FastPro 1067/001.
This function is useful, as an example, to carry to and see on the PC the events that are stored by a control panel.
To save data to USB key and restore it, access item «MAINTENANCE» / «DATA TRANSFER»:
«SAVE PROGR.» to save control panel data to USB key
« RECOVER PROGR.» to copy data from to USB key to control panel
To save and restore codes and keys Master User code has also to be entered.