3.1.18 Lack of power event
Generated if...
the mains voltage is off for a shorter time than the programmed "Lack of power time”
The event is generated regardless of the system status (24h).
Is stored...
In the event log
Is displayed...
by the turnoff of the green LED on the keypads indicating the lack of power presence
by the “POWER” LED on the control panel board, that turns off
Is stopped by...
the lack of power return
After the mains
return the control
Turns on again the green LED on the keypads indicating the lack of power presence
Turns on the “POWER” LED on the control panel board
stores in the event log the temporary lack of power end
For more information, see Installation Manual.
3.1.19 Alarm generated by continuous lack of power
Generated ...
After the Event generated by an lack of power, if the mains voltage fails for a time equal or
longer than the programmed lack of power time
The alarm is generated regardless of the system status (24h).
The outputs programmed as Lack of power
the communicator for voice, modem or numerical sending of the respective lack of power
alarm message (if programmed)
Is stored...
In the event log
Is displayed...
on keypads, as lack of power event
with the yellow LED on the readers
Is stopped by...
The mains return for at least 5 consecutive minutes
5 minutes after the
return of the mains
voltage the control
activates the communicator for voice, modem or numerical sending of the respective event
lack of power alarm message (if programmed)
stores in the event log the lack of power end
deactivates the outputs programmed as lack of power
For more information, see Installation Manual.
3.1.20 Low battery alarm control panel and radio devices
Generated if...
The control panel battery is flat or absent if the battery of a radio device is acknowledged to
be low.
The alarm is generated regardless of the zones system status (24h).
the outputs programmed as low battery
the communicator for voice, modem or numerical sending of the respective low battery alarm
message (if programmed)
Is stored...
In the event log
Is displayed...
By the blinking of the green LED indicating mains presence/battery charging on the keypads
When the battery is
charged, the
control panel...
deactivates the outputs programmed as low battery
activates the communicator for voice, modem or numerical sending of the respective event
low battery alarm message end (if programmed)
restore the indication of charged battery on the keypads (green LED on steady)
stores in the event log the low battery condition end
For more information, see Installation Manual.
3.1.21 Maintenance
generated if...
“Maintenance” menu is accessed
maintenance status is activated
the communicator for numerical or modem sending of the respective event Maintenance
message (if programmed)
is signalled...
by maintenance red LED on keypads
the communicator for vocal, modem or numerical sending of alarm calls
is stored...
into Event log (start of maintenance)
is held...
as long as you are in “Maintenance” menu, provided that maintenance status was not activated
at control panel tamper closing again, provided that maintenance status was activated
For more information, see Installation Manual.