3.1.8 Emergency
System 1067 provides the capability to generate service signalling for an “emergency request” owing to either actuating a
dedicated key or detecting lack of movement in the environments.
An “emergency request” is only to be considered as an anti-burglar system ancillary function; therefore, system
1067 cannot be used as a remote emergency system according to regulations in force.
generated if...
an emergency input is opened
a absence of movement input is not opened (every 12 hours)
the keypad key associated to the emergency function is pressed for more than 3 seconds
the remote control function key “
“ (if programmed) is pressed for 5 seconds at least
The alarm is generated regardless of the zones status (24h).
the outputs programmed as Emergency that have at least one zone shared with the input
that generated the event or with the keypad where the dedicated key has been pressed
the communicator for voice, SMS modem or numerical sending of the respective Emergency
alarm message (if programmed) with vocal sending; listening is automatically activated at
end of message (see § 4.8)
is stored...
in the event log
in alarm volatile memory
Is displayed...
on the keypads which have at least one zone shared with the input or the keypad that
generated the event
on the readers which have at least one zone shared with the input or the keypad that
generated the event
is held...
for Emergency alarm time
is stopped by...
entering of a valid code in the keypad
insertion of a valid key
a zones disarm command given by a key input
a DTMF disarm command entered with a phone call to the control panel after closing
environmental listening session, at end of emergency request vocal message repetition
disarm command from remote control having at least one shared zone with the input which
has generated the event.
3.1.9 Fire
System 1067 provides the capability to
manage fire detectors (smoke, buttons,…) connecting them to properly
programmed inputs, to generate service signalling
of “fire alarm” type.
Warning: “Fire alarm” is only to be considered as an anti-burglar system ancillary function; therefore,
system 1067 cannot be used as a fire detection system according to regulations in force.
To implement a system which fully meets the requirements of
a fire detection system, please see
Urmet general
generated if...
a fire input is opened
the keypad key associated to the fire function is pressed for more than 3 seconds
the remote control function key “
“ (if programmed) is pressed for 5 seconds at least
The alarm is generated regardless of the zones status (24h).
the outputs programmed as Fire that have at least one zone shared with the input that
generated the event or with the keypad where the dedicated key has been pressed
the communicator for voice, SMS modem or numerical sending of the respective Fire alarm
message (if programmed)
is stored...
in the event log
in alarm volatile memory
is displayed...
on the keypads which have at least one zone shared with the input or the keypad that
generated the event
on the readers which have at least one zone shared with the input or the keypad that
generated the event
is held...
until is opened a Fire reset input that has at least one zone shared with the alarmed fire input
or with the keypad that generated the event