The 1067 system manages different types of alarms, described below with their characteristics.
3.1.1 Burglar
It is the alarm of anti-burglar system. System 1067 manages one burglar alarm for each zone; to each single zone there
can be paired its own output actuators, such as sirens.
Various possibilities are provided for to determine when burglar inputs have to generate an Alarm: burglar inputs can be
either single or clustered (e.g. combined in AND mode, owing to double release - see § 4.6).
by activating function “Alarm count”, maximum number of alarms can be determined caused by a detector in one
day and as long as competence zone is activated.
generated if...
an Burglar input is opened and at least one associated zone in OR mode is active
an Burglar input is opened and all associated zones in AND mode are active
the outputs programmed as Burglar/Tamper that have at least one zone shared with the input
that generated the event
the communicator for voice, SMS, numerical or modem sending of the respective Burglar
alarm message (if programmed)
is stored...
in the event log
in alarm volatile memory
is displayed...
on the keypads which have at least one zone shared with the input
on the readers which have at least one zone shared with the input
is held...
for Burglar/Tamper/Panic Alarm Time
is stopped by...
entering a valid code on a keypad which has at least one zone shared with the input that
generated the event
insertion of a valid key
a zones disarm command given by a key input that has at least one zone shared with the
input that generated the event
a DTMF disarm command entered with a phone call to the control panel
disarm command from remote control having at least one shared zone with the input which
has generated the event.
3.1.2 Pre-alarm
In anti-burglar system, a Pre-alarm can be used, as an example, to ring a buzzer all the times when detectors relating to
an outer area, such as a yard, detect the presence of a person.
generated if...
a alarm input is opened and at least one associated zone in OR mode is active
a alarm input is opened and all associated zones in AND mode are active
the outputs programmed as Pre-alarm that have at least one zone shared with the input that
generated the event
the communicator for numerical or modem sending of the respective Pre-alarm message (if
is stored...
in the event log
in alarm volatile memory
is displayed...
on the keypads which have at least one zone shared with the input
on the readers which have at least one zone shared with the input
is held...
for Burglar/Tamper/Panic Alarm Time
is stopped by...
entering a valid code on a keypad which has at least one zone shared with the input that
generated the event
insertion of a valid key
a zones disarm command given by a key input that has at least one zone shared with the
input that generated the event
a DTMF disarm command entered with a phone call to the control panel
disarm command from remote control having at least one shared zone with the input which
has generated the event.