Unior 1510 Instructions For The Safe Use Download Page 2



1. Important Notice

1.1. Before using this product, read the instructions for use.  All documentation should be stored in 
such a manner that it can be reviewed prior to anyone using the device.
1.2. Compressed air is potentially hazardous. It is therefore necessary to take special care when 
handling the pneumatic tool or pneumatic equipment. 
1.3. The unsupervised use of this tool by inexperienced persons is prohibited.
1.4. When using this tool, one should always adopt a stable and balanced position, holding the 
tool in such a manner so as to overcome the counter-pressure (power) generated by the operation 
of the tool.

2. User

2.1. Ear protectors must be worn when using the pneumatic tool as exposure to the high levels of 
noise caused during its operation can result in permanent damage to hearing.
2.2. Safety goggles must be worn when using the product so as to protect the eyes from flying 
2.3. Protective gloves must be worn when using the product.
2.4. As harmful gases may be produced during the performance of work, a suitable breathing 
mask must be used.
2.5. The product vibrates during operation. Long-term exposure to vibrations may cause health 
problems to the user.
2.6. Take care to prevent clothing, hair or cleaning cloths from being caught up in the rotating 
parts of the tool. Moreover, refrain from touching the parts of the device which are in motion 
during operation, as this can result in physical injuries.
2.7. Do not use the tool without using the prescribed safety accessories.

3. Working Environment

3.1. The most common causes of physical injuries for users are slips, particles of processed 
items, and falls. Set up a working environment which ensures safety in the performance of work 
activities. Remove all unnecessary or excess items from the workplace prior to the commencement 
of work.
3.2. In accordance with the general conditions on the use of the tool, it is unsuitable for use in a 
humid environment. It should also not be exposed to rain or water.
3.3. Do not use the tool in explosive atmospheres.

4. Before Use

4.1. Do not use damaged or worn tubes and other pneumatic equipment. Before using the tool, 
check the joints and ensure that the tubes are not damaged.
4.2. Ensure that the screws and the nut on the outer surface of the device are all screwed tightly.
4.3. Use the tool only for the purposes prescribed.
4.4. Affix the part to be processed by using an appropriate clamp or fastening tool.

5. Handling the Tool

5.1. When connecting the compressed air to the tool, ensure that the tool is switched off.
5.2. The power (on-off) valve of the tool must be released at all times in order to allow it to be    
switched back to the “off” position. Therefore, the power valve should not be blocked by wire, rope 
or adhesive tape during the activation of the tool. 
5.3. Refrain from moving the tool by holding the compressed air tube.
5.4. Take care not to cause any sudden uncontrolled activation of the tool. 
5.5. Do not put the tool down until the work accessories have stopped rotating.
5.6. Do not remove the safety equipment installed by the manufacturer, (i.e. the protection of 
rotatable parts, safety discharge, speed controller, etc.).
5.7. In the event of a loss of power supply, open the switch valve on the compressor.
5.8 In the event of a failure to the air supply, open the switch mechanism.
5.9 Prior to the assembly, disassembly or installation of any attachment on the tool, turn off the 
air supply after discharging the air from the supply tube  by applying pressure to the power valve, 
thereby preventing any uncontrolled movements of the tube. 
5.10. The tool is not insulated; therefore, it should not be used if there is a possibility of electrical 

6. Air Pressure

6.1. The pressure during the operation of the tool should be at least 6,2bar (90psi). Lower working 
pressure may cause degraded performance of pneumatic tool.

7. Air Supply

7.1. The tool must be connected to the air supply system only.
7.2. Ensure that the compressed air is clean and dry with the correct mixture of oil.  Use the air 
filter, regulator and lubricator assembly to manage the air. If you do not use this equipment, the 
tool can also be oiled by stopping the air supply and pouring a teaspoon (5 ml) of appropriate 
pneumatic motor oil prescribed by the manufacturer, which prevents the formation of corrosion 

and oxidation. Connect the air supply to the tool and allow it to function for a few seconds in order 
to allow for the circulation of the oil. If the tool is frequently used, it should be oiled every 3-4 hours 
and, at the same time, the engine speed and power should be reduced.
7.3. Connect the tool to the air supply (compressor), as demonstrated in Scheme A.
7.4. Do not connect the tool to the air system without installing the shut-off valve, which is easily 
accessible and facilitates the rapid management of the system.

8. Storage

8.1. Store the tool in a dry room without any humidity. The tool should be oiled prior being stored.

9. Daily Maintenance Work

9.1. Regularly clean and dry the air filter and the inlet for the supply of air to the pneumatic tool.
9.2. Lubricate all the attachments for fast connections which are included in the system in order 
to prevent blockages.
9.3. Discharge the condensed water from the air filter and compressor on a daily basis.
9.4. In order to prevent the formation of rust and to ensure minimal wear, the pneumatic tool must 
be cleaned and lubricated after every use.

10. Possible Malfunctions

10.1. If you notice any unusual sounds or a sudden loss of power, switch off the device
immediately. Check the pneumatic tool and the compressed air feed system.
10.2. Pneumatic tool:
- the tool is not sufficiently lubricated
- the tool or additional equipment is worn due to improper use or a defect
10.3. The compressed air feed system:
- insufficient compressor pressure
- the pressure regulator is not set to the correct pressure level
- the air in the pneumatic system is leaking
- the filter or the lubrication device is clogged
- the flexible pneumatic tube is compressed, perforated or too long (power loss)

11. Tool Service:

11.1. Use only original spare parts.
11.2 In the event that the tool fails to function or replacement  parts are required, contact the 
manufacturer or the authorised supplier.
11.3. Repairs may only be performed by authorised staff. 



1. Installation

1.1. Connect the Unior FLR Assembly to the compressor and other equipment, as demonstrated 
in Scheme A.
1.2. Install the filters and oil in the containers located at the base of the the FRL Assembly.
1.3 If you are using a console for the installation of the the FRL Assembly, first remove the fixing 
rings and then insert the console and attach it using the fixing rings.

2. Removal of Condensate (Water Extraction Filter) 


2.1. Release the condensate from the condensation container before it reaches the maximum level.
2.2. In order to release the condensate, turn the valve at the bottom of the condensation container 
anti-clockwise. Do not use tools to open the valve, as this can cause damage, but rather open it 
by hand.  


3. Regulation of Pressure (Pressure Regulator) 


3.1. Turning the control knob of the air pressure regulator clockwise causes an increase to the 
secondary pressure in the system. The pressure in the system can be reduced by turning the control 
knob anti-clockwise. 


3.2. Before setting the air pressure, pull the air pressure regulation knob upwards. When the air 
pressure is set, you must pull the air pressure regulator knob downwards in order to lock it. If the 
regulator is not locked, the pressure may be regulated automatically. 


4. Oiling and Regulation of Oiling Volume 




 oil is recommended to oil the compressed air.

4.2. Pour oil into the air oiling tub. Fill the tub up to a maximum of 80% of its volume.
4.3. The volume of air oiling can be increased by turning the control valve on the air oiling device 
anti-clockwise. By turning the valve clockwise, the volume is reduced. 0 indicates the minimum 
and 9 indicates  the maximum. 


5. Warning

5.1. As some of the parts are made from polycarbonate, do not use the device in an atmosphere 
which contains organic solutions.
5.2. Use neutral cleaning agents in order to clean the device.
5.3. The air pressure in the device should not exceed the maximum pressure of 9.5 bar.

Summary of Contents for 1510

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Page 2: ...r filter regulatorandlubricatorassemblytomanagetheair Ifyoudonotusethisequipment the toolcanalsobeoiledbystoppingtheairsupplyandpouringateaspoon 5ml ofappropriate pneumaticmotoroilprescribedbythemanufacturer whichpreventstheformationofcorrosion andoxidation Connecttheairsupplytothetoolandallowittofunctionforafewsecondsinorder toallowforthecirculationoftheoil Ifthetoolisfrequentlyused itshouldbeoil...

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Page 8: ...рпредидостиганедомаксималното ниво 2 2 Задасеосвободиконденза завъртетеклапанавдънотонаконтейнераобратно начасовниковитестрелки Неизползвайтеинструментизаотваряненаклапана тъй катотоваможедадоведедоувреждане апо скорогоотворетесръка 2 3 Регулиране на налягането Регулатор на налягане 1 3 1 Завъртанетонакопчетозаконтролнавъздуханарегулаторананалягането попосоканачасовниковитестрелкиводидоувеличаване...

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