TRICOR Systems Inc.
Menu / Keyboard Operation (Cont'd)
While in the menu mode, the Model 225 is unable to communicate with the
Configuration application. The PC software will continue to run, trying to find the
temper meter on any available port. When you exit the menu mode, the
Configuration application should find and start communications with the Model
3.5.1 Passwords
The menu features of the Model 225 can be password protected so that only
authorized individuals may make changes to the options and features available.
Without a valid password, the user can only run tests on the chocolate. The unit
has a programmable password. Only authorized user should be given the
password. The password can be disabled so that anyone may access the
The password is 8 characters in length and consists of the digits 1, 2, 3 and 4.
These are the same digits as the buttons on the front panel of the 225. If
prompted, enter the 8 digit password on the keypad. You must enter the
characters quickly and accurately to avoid the automatic timeout cancellation. If
you make a mistake, just stop and let the system return to the previous mode.
The password can only be programmed from the Configuration application. The
password can be cleared by setting it to
. The system will then not
ask for a password. This is the state of the Model 225 as delivered to the
3.5.2 User ID
The User ID is a number from 1 to 199 which can be used to identify the
personnel running the test or the chocolate line on which the tests are being
performed. The User ID is printed on both the internal and external (optional
item) printer. The TMDAS software (optional item) collects and stores this
The User ID is retained only until the Model 225 is powered down. It is not
permanently saved. If the ID is set to 0, the information is not printed.