TRICOR Systems Inc.
Warning Messages (Cont'd)
14 – The cooler stability test failed (-2 degrees)
15 – The heater stability test failed (+1 degree)
16 – The heater stability test failed (-1 degree)
17 – The stored user preferences are invalid
18 – The cooler was too cold (should have been warmer)
19 – There is insufficient cooler voltage
20 – There is insufficient cooler current
21 – The computed cooler resistance is too high
22 – Six month left before calibration due*
23 – Unit is out of calibration*
* The unit is considered out of calibration 18 months from the date displayed in
the system status window on the Configuration application (see section 4.5). Six
months prior to the “out of calibration” warning, the user will receive a warning 22
indicating that calibration is due. With the exception of the warning message,
the “calibration due” message causes no changes in the behavior of the Model
225. The “out of calibration” warning causes a banner to be added to the printed
output from the Model 225.
Warning 04, EEPROM data is corrupt can be caused by turning off the Model
225 while in the menu mode after making changes. Always return to the “ready
to test” mode before turning off power. If corruption occurs, make a change to
some feature, for example, change the temperature units. Then change them
back and exit the menu mode. The warning should go away.
Warnings 13 through 16 may occur if the Model is turned off then back on while
the heater and cooler temperatures are changing. Under these conditions you
may ignore the warning. These failures should not occur when the unit is turned
on after 15 minutes of down time.
If you have problems with recurring errors, please call TRICOR Systems with the
warning codes.