4.3.1 Console Intake: Monthly
1) Locate console intake on left side of generating console.
2) Remove any dust and other obstructions.
4.3.2 Chamber Fluid Level: Yearly
1) Remove top right console panel.
2) Locate fluid fill cap on top of console (under black insulating foam).
3) Remove cap and check that the fluid is approximately 1/4" (6.35mm) below bottom of
fill port.
4) If fluid level is low, add distilled water as necessary.
5) Replace fluid fill cap and black insulating foam.
6) Replace console panel.
4.3.3 Pre-saturator Drain: Yearly
1) Turn main power ON and perform reservoir fill procedure (per section 3.2.9).
2) Turn main power switch OFF and remove power cord.
3) Remove left rear panel using a number 10 Torx tool.
4) Locate the Pre-saturator drain cap (Swagelok cap, to the left of the circulation pump).
5) Loosen (do not remove) the drain cap using a 9/16" wrench.
6) Prepare a 1/4" plastic drain tube, approximately 4’ to 6’ long, with a Swagelok nut and
ferrule assembly on one end.
7) Place the open end of the tube into a bucket and place the Swagelok nut assembly in
close proximity to the Pre-saturator drain cap.
8) Remove the Pre-saturator cap and quickly place a finger over the open fitting to stop
water flow then quickly remove your finger and insert the tube into the fitting.
Tighten Swagelok nut finger tight.
9) Allow Pre-saturator to drain.
10) Remove drain tube assembly and replace drain cap. Tighten 1/8 turn past finger tight.
11) Replace left rear panel.
12) Re-install power cord. Turn power switch ON.
13) Press “Run” at the front panel.
14) After initialization the screen will indicate “PreSat Filling”. If “PreSat Filling” times
out an error code 16 “PreSat Water Empty” will occur and an alarm will sound. If
this happens, switch the main power OFF and then back ON then press “Run” again.
Note: It may be necessary to repeat this step two or three times until the Pre-saturator is
15) When the Pre-saturator is full press “Shutdown” and switch power OFF.
4.3.4 Mobile Pneumatic Cart: Daily
1) Drain condensation from pressure tank using drain valve on bottom.
2) Drain condensation from inline air filter sumps using drain valves on bottoms.
3) For air compressor maintenance please refer to bulletin ACS2520 “Installation,
Operation, Parts List and Maintenance” located in the back of this manual.