Version 1.3 11/12/11
C o r p o r a t io n
Analogue Input
This screen displays the actual Analogue Input reading in
It shows the actual possible full scale reading and is not
zeroed or scaled to level. It is used to determine input functionality.
Analogue Output
This screen displays the actual Analogue Output reading
in percentage. This output mimics the Analogue 1 Input
and can be re-scaled in the configuration settings.
Digital Input State
This screen displays the state of the Digital inputs
X = energized
= de-energized
See INPUTS for configurable options for this item.
Digital Output State
This screen displays the state of the Digital outputs
X = energized
= de-energized
See OUTPUTS for configurable options for this item.
Curr & Max Retry
The number under "Curr" is the current number of times
the main processor has not been able to communicate
with the analogue system. If it is not at Zero it indicates
that the analogue system has been subject to noise and
may have had to restart itself. If this number continues to
increment up to 20, then resets to 0, and continues incrementing
again it indicates a major malfunction with the analogue system
The number under "Max Retry" is the maximum number of times the
main processor has not been able to communicate with the analogue
circuitry. If it is at 20 there may have been a major disruption in the
analogue system and was unable to restart itself and the main
processor has more than likely forced it to restart.
Displayed is the current temperature in degrees C,
read via the temperature sensor on the circuit board.
Analogue Output 1
Dig Output State
X - - -
Dig Input State
X- - X- - - - X - - X
Analogue Input 1
XXX degrees C
Curr & Max Retry