Version 1.3 11/12/11
C o r p o r a t io n
Pump 1-6 Stop
Activation of this input will instantly stop the
operation of the relevant pump. This can be used
as an Off override switch in the system or if the
remote control of a pump is required.
Note: This input will override the relevant “Pump 1-6 Manual Run” input if both are active.
Pump 1-6 Manual Run
Activation of this input will instantly start the
relevant pump. All automatic control of the pump is
ceased at this stage.
This action can cause an alarm or shutdown condition. (See Manual operation)
Fire Mode
The FIRE MODE allows the system to ignore all
shutdown protection features so the pump will
continue running under all conditions.
The system will still operate as per normal turning on pumps when below the Cut In
setting and Turning off pumps when above the Cut Out setting. The following protection
features are disabled:
High Level Shutdown
Low Level Shutdown
System Pause
No Flow
Individual Pump Protection
Pump 1-6 Stop
Pump 1-6 No Flow Protection
The operational consequences for activating Fire Mode are substantial so be sure
to understand the repercussions of activating this Input.
It should only be used if the risk of the pump stopping is greater that letting it run to
Hardware items such as circuit breakers, Thermal Overloads and any other switchgear
protection is not effected by this mode and will continue to provide switchgear protection.
Cycle pumps
Activation of this input will shutdown and then cycle
the pumps to the next available pump as the lead
pump. If pump 1 started first on the last start-up,
the toggling of this input will switch the lead pump
to pump 2 instantly on receipt of this signal.
Program Input XX
Pump X Stop
Program Input XX
PumpX Manual Run
Program Input XX
Fire Mode
Program Input XX
Cycle Pumps