Version 1.3 11/12/11
C o r p o r a t io n
Alt Setting 2 & 3
If an input is programmed as a means of selecting
the Alternate Setting, then closing of the contact to
either of these inputs will activate an alternate cut
in and cut out Levels. If two inputs are activated at
the same time, then Alternate Setting 3 will be the selected option.
Low Limit
An input can be programmed to function as a
switched low limit even when the system is
operating in Analogue mode. Closing of the contact
on this input will start the action programmed for
the low limit as set in the Configuration menu.
High Limit
An input can be programmed to function as a
switched high limit even when the system is
operating in Analogue mode. Closing of the contact
on this input will start the action programmed for
the high limit as set in the Configuration menu.
System Pause
An external sensor can be used to PAUSE the
system. When the system receives a PAUSE
command the system will shut down.
The system turns off all running pumps. and a
message will be shown on the main screen.
After the PAUSE input has been deactivated the
system will restart under normal operations. If the
Auto-rotation is selected to FULL the lead pump will rotate.
Pump 1-6 Protection
SWO has inputs for each pump to allow
for individual pump protection. In the event of a
pump going into a fault condition the input for that pump should close. This will shut down
the pump after the time set by the Input Delay Timer.
Note: The pump will become available again when the Input contact is opened.
This protection is ideal for the following pump protection sensors:
Temperature probes
Thermal Overloads
Moisture sensor for oil bath pump seals
Any individual pump protection device.
Program Input XX
Alt 2 Setting
Program Input XX
Low Limit
Program Input XX
High Limit
Program Input XX
System Pause
Program Input XX
PumpX Protection