Version 1.3 11/12/11
C o r p o r a t io n
To allow the system levelto be displayed without
significant level bouncing, the SWO
averages the readings taken.
To damp the Level Reading insert a high number.
Note: The “Transducer Zero”, “Adjust Level” and “ Averaging” screens are not visible if
“Sensing Input” sub menu in the “Configuration” Menu is set to Switched.
Note: This screen will not be displayed if the SWO is running in switched mode
Scale An Output
This allows the analogue input to be re-scaled and
sent to other devices. 1000 = 1:1 2000 = 2:1 (Output
twice the input value)
Pump Flow Rate
This figure is the flow rate of the pump at a nominated
pressure. It is read from a manufacturers pump curve
and input as a flow rate / minute. Any units can be
used for this figure however the time units are fixed at
Each time the operating range of the controller is changed this figure must be modified to
maintain a more accurate figure.
This menu allows SWO to call on one pump to be the lead pump or to allow for
a new pump to be the lead pump after each time all of the pumps have shutdown.
Note: The lead pump is the name given to the first auto pump to start (if available). The
options are Full,1,2,3,4,5,6, Every 24 Hours and Low Hours. If a number is selected then
that pump will always be the lead pump. If Full is selected then the lead pump will cycle
after system shutdowns or
set to “Every 24 Hours”, once every 24 hours the
system will shutdown all auto pumps (including
jockey) and force a cycle of the lead pump.
Selecting “Low Hours” will start the next available pump with the lowest hours according
to the individual Hours Run meters as seen in PUMP DATA LOG. The aim of the setting
is to get an even wear through all of your pumps.
Note: A forced rotation can be activated by setting one of the programmable inputs to
“Cycle Pumps” and closing the relevant input terminals- see Programmable Inputs.
Auto Rotation
Scale An Output
Pump Flow Rate
XXXX /min