Wise Package Studio Reference
Package Validation
Predefined Validation Modules
Package Validation contains predefined validation modules that perform the tests
described below.
Windows 2000 Application Specification Logo
Runs logo.cub, which is provided by Microsoft as part of its Windows 2000 logo
verification program. The tests in logo.cub are a subset of the tests in darice.cub,
therefore, running both tests at the same time might result in duplicate errors.
Windows XP Application Specification Logo
Runs XPlogo.cub, which is provided by Microsoft as part of its Windows XP logo
verification program. The tests in XPlogo.cub are a subset of the tests in darice.cub,
therefore, running both tests at the same time might result in duplicate errors.
Windows Installer SDK Internal Consistency
Runs darice.cub, which is provided by Microsoft. It performs more than 50 checks to
ensure that the installation databases are internally consistent.
Merge Module Consistency Checks
Runs mergemod.cub, which is provided by Microsoft to test the internal consistency
of merge modules. This is the only predefined validation module that appears on the
Welcome page when you validate a merge module.
Windows Vista/Windows 7 Compatibility Checks
Runs WiseVistaIce.cub, which checks for adherence to Microsoft’s package
validation requirements for the Vista and later operating systems.
Wise Package Studio Checks
The following checks are built in to Package Validation; they do not run .CUB files.
Component design
Checks that the proper files have been placed into each component and that the
same file has not been placed into multiple components.
Uninstall support
Checks that the package does not reference non-Windows Installer uninstall
Files in shared folders
Checks that no executable files have been placed in shared directories.
Hidden and protected application files
Checks that application files have been protected from accidental deletion by the
end user.
Transitive flag set on OS based components
Checks that the Transitive bit is set on operating system-dependent components.
Transitive components are components that must be swapped out if the end user
upgrades the destination computer to a new operating system.
Icon placement in Start Menu
Checks that shortcut icons are installed correctly in the Start Menu.
All application/library files are 32-bit
Checks that no 16-bit components are included in the package.
Changes to Win.ini or System.ini
Checks to see if changes are being made to these files.