Wise Package Studio Reference
Wise Package Studio Command Line Options
Command Line Options for ApplicationWatch
The following table lists the command-line options you can use with workbench.exe to
run ApplicationWatch.
on page 94.
Desired behavior
Example command line
Run isolation on the default project .MSI
and prompt for the file name of the
isolated .MSI.
path\wfwi.exe /d "[ProjectDir]\[FileName].msi"
Run isolation on the default project .MSI
and save the output file with _Isolated
appended to the default project file
path\wfwi.exe /d="[ProjectDir]\[FileName]_Isolated.msi"
Run isolation on the default project .MSI.
Isolate using manifests—optimal for
installations that run on Windows XP or
later. Isolate automatically. Support
prior operating systems. Save the output
file with _Isolated appended to the
default project file name.
path\wfwi.exe /d111="[ProjectDir]\[FileName]_Isolated.msi"
Required option to run ApplicationWatch.
Specify the type of installation file to create. Options are:
MSI (to create an .MSI or .WSI)
WSE (to create a .WSE).
Place the option after the equals sign. This option is not necessary if
the target file is specified.
Specify the name of the file to create, which will populate Target
Installation on the Specify Target Installation File dialog box. Place
the full path (or appropriate variables) of the output file within
quotation marks after the equals sign. Do not use a space delimiter.
Watch a specified source file. Place the full path (or appropriate
variables) of the source file within quotation marks after the equals
sign. Do not use a space delimiter.
In the Specify Target Installation File dialog box, select the option to
Add/Update Resources in Existing Installation to append or
update the resources from the watched in the existing installation
instead of overwriting the existing installation.