Wise Package Studio Reference
Test Expert
Typically, you will select an .EXE, but you can also select any other file type.
(Example: If the package installs an HTML help system, you might open an
.HTM or .ASP file.) To open non-.EXE files, change Files of type to All Files.
6. When the application starts, exercise all functions of the application. This might
include selecting every menu option, creating, editing, and saving every type of file,
changing options on all dialog boxes, and so on. The more complex the application,
the longer this can take.
The Application Monitor window appears. If you minimize this window, click the
Monitor button in the Test Expert toolbar to maximize it. Do not close the
Application Monitor window until you finish testing.
7. When you finish testing, exit the application and close the Application Monitor
It is important to close the Application Monitor window after closing the application,
because monitoring of your system continues until the window is closed.
8. Review the test items for each application execution test case. For information on
interpreting the results, see the individual test case descriptions.
9. When the test is finished, select the status for each test item based on your visual
verification of the test results.
10. Select the overall status of the test case in Status of Test Case.
See also:
Setting Test Statuses and Details
on page 166
Extra Files Test Case
on page 190
Extra Registry Entries Test Case
on page 191
File Coverage Test Case
on page 191
Isolated Files Test Case
on page 192
Registry Coverage Test Case
on page 193
Extra Files Test Case
Quality Assurance module only.
The Extra Files test case in Test Expert is primarily informational. It monitors the testing
computer as you exercise the features of the application. It then identifies files that are
accessed by the application but that are not installed by the package. Because all
application execution tests are run at the same time, the test items for every test case
in the Application Execution Tests group are updated simultaneously.
Before you run this test, close all applications other than Wise Package Studio and Test
Expert, including all background applications and services that might access files or
registry entries on the testing computer.
Initially, when you select this test case, you see no test items. As you run the
application, non-installed files are added to the list with the status of Pending. Installed
files that are accessed are added to the File Coverage test with a Passed status. You
must change the status for each item manually.
During this test, you check whether any unexpected files are accessed by the
application. You also see whether files were unable to be accessed by the application,