Wise Package Studio Reference
Test Expert
File Extensions Test Case
Quality Assurance module only.
If Test Expert detects file extensions in a package, the File Extensions test case appears.
This test creates a list of verbs associated with each extension in the package. It
prompts you to select a file of the type being tested. Then it tries to execute each verb
on the file. You must visually determine whether the verb performs as expected.
Example: You can associate the verb Open with a file extension. This means that if the
end user right-clicks on a file of the specified type, the word Open appears in the right-
click menu.
The package must be installed on the testing computer.
A file of each type specified must be available on the testing computer.
To run the test case
1. Select the File Extensions test case in the left pane of Test Expert.
All verbs associated with each extension are listed.
2. Mark the check boxes of the verbs to test.
3. Click Execute.
The Test Case - File Extensions dialog box appears, where you execute one test at a
4. Click Execute in the Test Case dialog box.
An Open file dialog box appears.
5. Navigate to and open a file of the type specified in Files of type.
Test Expert opens the file in the application and applies the verb. (Example: The
verb Print might open the file, print it, and close the application, depending on how
it was coded.) Typically, the verb is either Open or <default>, both of which open
the file in the associated application.
6. When the Pass/Fail dialog box appears:
Click Pass or Fail based on your visual verification of the test results.
In Comments, enter any pertinent information about the test case.
7. In the Test Case dialog box, continue to click Execute for each subsequent test case,
entering You cannot add rules to predefined validation modules results for each.
When the tests are finished, the dialog box closes and the statuses are displayed in
the Status column.
8. Select the overall status of the test case in Status of Test Case.
To troubleshoot failures
If it is an .MSI, in Windows Installer Editor, double-click the problem extension on the
File Associations page. On the File Association Details dialog box, click the Command
Verb tab and verify that the command-line options and arguments are correct.