Appendix C. Upgrading Controller Software
C.4.1 Downloading the Software
To download the new software, follow these steps:
1. Insert the distribution CD-ROM containing the binary file of the new software image
into a CD-ROM drive of a computer connected to the RAID Array controller.
2. Copy the firmware image from the CD-ROM software directory (\firmware\v3.1)
into a temporary directory on the system disk.
3. Start the terminal program with the communications settings as specified above.
4. Press
Enter key to get to the
5. Invoke the CLCP utility, at the
prompt, type:
run clcp
Select an option from the following list:
Code Load and Patch Utility Main Menu
0: Exit
1: Enter Code LOAD utility
2: Enter Code PATCH utility
Enter option number (0..2) ? 1
6. Type:
1 and press Return. The utility displays the following message:
You have selected the Code Load Utility. This utility is used to
load a new software image into the program card currently inserted
in the controller.
Type ^Y or ^C (then RETURN) at any time to abort code load.
The code image may be loaded using SCSI Write Buffer commands
through the SCSI Host Port, or using KERMIT protocol through the
Maintenance Terminal Port.
0: Exit
1: Enter the SCSI Host Port
2: Use the Maintenance Terminal Port
Enter option number (0..2) [0] ? 2
7. Type:
and press the Return key. The utility displays the following message:
Perform the following steps before continuing:
*get new image file on the serial line host computer
*configure KERMIT with the following parameters:
terminal speed 19200 baud, eight bit, no parity, 1 stop bit
It will take approximately 35 to 45 minutes to perform the code load
WARNING: proceeding with Code Load will overwrite the current
content of your program code with a new image. Enter Y (then RETURN)
to continue
[N] ? y
Start KERMIT now…