4236, which is mounted on top of the traction reservoir, and the suction pump dual filters code 7911-
4205, the dual filters are mounted on the suction side of the pump, located under-carriage of the
machine. Next, check the reservoir oil level.
8th - After completing those procedures, change-out the traction reservoir filter code 7911-
Front Wheel Motor
Rear Wheel Motor
the traction line.
Loosen the nut enough to release any air in
Figure 11
Figure 12
1st - Drain the transmission oil tank and clean-out the tank.
2nd - Drain all transmission hoses and clean them.
3rd - Change-out all transmission filters, with ”Stara`s original filters”.
4th - Fill all oil levels as specified in the manual.
5th- With the machine turned off, bleed the pump hose, eliminating any air pockets in the hose,
after-wards re-tighten the hose.
6th - Power-up the machine and keep it in park, place it in the neutral
position accelerate to 1500 rpm.Leave the machine running for 4 hours performing a complete
filtration process.
7th - Block 3 wheels of the machine, jack-up the fourth wheel using a hydraulic jack, making sure
that the machine is securely blocked in. On the suspended wheel, loosen the hose end-nut to drain
any air trapped in the system. Next, engage the machine, with the MWM engine running at 900 rpm,
engage the gear with the wheel suspended and leave the machine operating for 2 minutes, so that
the oil will circulate and bleed any air in the system. Repeat the 7th procedure on the other 3 wheels.
7.6 - System clean-up procedure for contaminated oil filtration.
Loosen the end nut, in
order to eliminate the air in the
suction pump system, with the
machine turned off.
Figure 10