ATCA-F140 Series Installation and Use (6806800M67S)
Chapter 5
This product uses the U-Boot, a boot loader software based on the GNU Public License. It
boots the blade and is the first software to be executed on after it is powered on. Its main
functions are:
Initialize the hardware
Pass boot parameters to the Linux kernel
Starting the Linux kernel
Update Linux kernel and U-boot images
This section describes U-Boot features and procedures that are specific to the ATCA-F140.
For general information on U-Boot, refer to
Accessing U-Boot
The U-boot can be accessed using the serial interface connector at the face plate of the
ATCA-F140. To connect, you need a computer with a serial interface connector and a
terminal emulation software such as HyperTerm running on it.
Connect the console interface connector of the ATCA-F140 to the serial interface
connector of the computer.
Configure the terminal software to use the access parameters that are specified in
U-Boot. By default, the access parameters are as follows:
Baud rate: 9600
Flow control: XON/XOFF
Eight data bits
No parity
One stop bit
These serial access parameters are the default values. These can be changed from
within U-Boot. The console port of the F140 blade also supports the baud rates of
38400 and 115200. For details refer to the U-boot documentation.