©2021 Sintrol.
All rights reserved.
4 (104)
Revision 4
8.2.1 Main interface .................................. 60
8.2.2 DustTool software ............................ 62
8.2.3 Modbus RTU and Sintrol Network
protocol ..................................................... 62
8.2.4 Wireless connection......................... 63
8.3 Setting up device network ...................... 63
8.3.1 Naming devices ................................ 64
8.3.2 Wired device network ...................... 64
8.3.3 Wireless device network .................. 66
8.3.4 Combining wired and wireless
connections in a network .......................... 68
9 Operation .................................................. 69
9.1 Main interface ......................................... 69
9.2 Relay, LED and display functional logic ... 70
9.2.1 Operation statuses ........................... 70
9.2.2 Relay logic ........................................ 71
9.2.3 LED and display logic ........................ 72
9.3 Response modes ..................................... 73
9.4 Parameters .............................................. 74
9.4.1 Overview .......................................... 74
9.4.2 Parameter 1: Display unit ................ 76
9.4.3 Parameter 2: Signal averaging time . 76
9.4.4 Parameter 3: Measurement range .. 76
9.4.5 Parameter 4: ALERT threshold ......... 77
9.4.6 Parameter 5: ALARM threshold ....... 78
9.4.7 Parameter 6: Alarm delay time ........ 79
9.4.8 Parameter 9: Zero/Span check
interval ...................................................... 79
9.4.9 Parameter 10: Command parameter
................................................................... 79
9.4.10 Parameters 11 to 14: Displaying
9.4.11 Parameters 15 and 16: IEU to 20 mA
scaling........................................................ 83
9.4.12 Parameter 17: Firmware version ... 84
9.5 Troubleshooting ...................................... 84
9.5.1 Resetting RS-485 settings to factory
defaults ..................................................... 84
9.5.2 Error codes in FAULT mode ............. 85
9.5.3 Display indicates “- -.- -“ .................. 86
9.5.4 Display indicates “[n] - - -” ............... 87
9.5.5 No output signal .............................. 87
9.5.6 No response after Auto Setup ......... 87
10 Maintenance and inspection ..................... 88
10.1 Safety precautions ................................ 88
10.2 Maintenance and inspection interval ... 89
10.2.1 Cleaning supplies ........................... 90
10.2.2 Maintenance of Teflon-coated probe
.................................................................. 90
10.3 Cleaning flow chamber and sensor probe
...................................................................... 90
10.4 Replacing malfunctioning fan ............... 92
10.5 Returns .................................................. 96
11 Recycling and disposal .............................. 97
11.1 Packaging .............................................. 97
11.2 Device ................................................... 97
12 Specifications ........................................... 98
Appendix A: ISO 9001 certificate ................. 100
Appendix B: Modbus RTU registers .............. 101
Notes .......................................................... 103