©2021 Sintrol.
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71 (104)
Revision 4
Device status
The device operates normally according to the initial setup and
generates a valid output signal.
The output signal is above the configured threshold for ALARM
The device analyzes and establishes normal process conditions that
are used as a baseline for future measurements.
The device does not generate a valid output signal.
The device has been manually set into MAINTENANCE mode.
The device does not generate a valid output signal.
The device performs zero/span check automatically at a certain
interval, when the measurement range settings are changed, and
after each time Auto Setup is performed.
Measurement drift is automatically corrected if it is >3% but <10% of
the measurement range. If the drift is >10% or if the device is unable
to correct the drift, the device enters FAULT mode.
The device generates an output signal according to pre-determined
test values.
The device has detected a fault in the operation.
The device does not generate a valid output signal.
Relay logic
The device has two independent solid-state relays (SSR). The relays are used to indicate dust alarm
statuses to a monitoring system. The contacts on the relay terminal block are labeled “1” and “2” for the
individual relays. The common contact is labeled “C”. The relays can be used to power external loads of
up to 30 V DC / 1 A.
Figure 35: Relay terminal on the device main board
Both relays are energized during normal operation, which means that voltage is applied to the
solid-state relay. When the dust level exceeds the configured alarm thresholds, the voltage is no longer
supplied, and the relays are relaxed.