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Revision 4
ALARM threshold is set in relation to maximum measurement range, which is
determined with parameter 3. These two parameters are not linked and must be set
independently. For example, if you double the maximum measurement range, the
default parameter 5 value is decreased from 100 to 050 (100% to 50% of maximum
measurement range).
Parameter 6: Alarm delay time
Parameter 6 determines how long the average dust level must be above the configured ALERT or ALARM
threshold before an alarm is triggered. This is to avoid false alarms caused by naturally occurring peaks
in dust levels in certain processes.
Parameter value corresponds to the alarm delay time in seconds.
Table 28: Parameter 6 values
Value range (sec) Description
000 ... 180
Sets the alarm delay time in seconds.
Parameter 6 applies a delay to all relay position switches when the device changes its
operation status. However, in practice this only affects the operation of the device in
relation to ALARM and ALERT statuses.
Parameter 9: Zero/Span check interval
Zero/span check is an automatic self-diagnostics procedure. During zero/span check, the device
disconnects the sensor probe from the measurement chain and induces a computer-generated signal to
the processing electronics. This is done to ensure that the measurement results match the factory-
calibrated reference values. Parameter 9 controls how often the device performs zero/span check.
Parameter value corresponds to the zero/span check interval in hours.
Table 29: Parameter 9 values
Value range (h)
000 ... 999
Sets the zero/span check interval in hours.
Parameter value 000 means that the automatic zero/span check is disabled. The device
performs zero/span check independently of the parameter 9 value each time you adjust
the range setting with parameter 3, and each time Auto Setup is performed.
Parameter 10: Command parameter
Command parameter 10 can be used to reset the device to the default factory settings and to enable the
device to display the measurement results in mg/m