Communications Capabilities
S5-115F Manual
CP 523 Serial I/O Module
In the following section you will find some special features required for using the CP 523 in safety-
related S5-115Fs. See the CP 523 Manual for further information on the design and principle of
operation of the CP 523.
The following additional functions are available to you if you use the CP 523 serial I/O module:
Printout of error messages
Input and output of data via the terminal
Point-to-point connection using the serial interface
The CP 523 can be used in ”Print mode” and ”Communications mode”. It has its own hardware
clock backed up by the battery of the power supply module. The clock data can be read by the CPU
and used in the user program for date-dependent and time-dependent tasks.
Print mode
Message texts can be printed out in this mode. This allows you to list process states and process
Printers with TTY or RS-232-C (V.24) interfaces can be connected
The printer interface can be configured (baud rate, BUSY signal, etc.)
The format of the page to be printed can be configured (headers, footers, margins, etc.)
Configuration of up to 4095 different message texts in data blocks on a memory submodule
You can provide for the following when configuring message texts:
- Insertion of the date or time of day in the printout
- Insertion of current variables in the printout (pressure, temperature, etc.)
- Transfer of printer control parameters (double-width type on/off, boldface type, etc.)
Communications mode
The module can exchange data with peripheral devices in this mode. The CP 523 offers the follo-
wing communications features in Communications mode:
Communication with a terminal device (data terminal, barcode reader, keyboard, etc.)
Point-to-point connection to another CP 523, or an S5-115U with a CPU 944.
In communication mode the following drivers are possible:
open ASCII driver (transparent mode)
Procedure 3964 (R) (interpreter mode, without RK512
The CP 523 must be configured with COM 115F like all other modules. In doing so, the CP 523 is
treated as a Type 13 analog input module.
EWA 4NEB 811 6148-02