When a single user is selected
When multiple users are selected
Save User Count
Clicking the [Save] button saves the user count information as a data file.
To delete the user count information in the machine, click the checkbox next to the "Save and Delete the Data" so that it
is selected and click the [Save] button.
Billing Code Settings
Security Control
Change the billing code setting.
Use Billing Code
Switch whether to enable or disable a billing code.
Default Code Setting
A use code is automatically assigned when no billing code is entered. Specify the code using up to 32 single-byte
Remember Billing Code Between Modes
If this function is enabled, the billing code entry window is not displayed at the time of mode transition.
Disable Change of Billing Code
If this function is enabled, you cannot register, edit, or delete a billing code.
In addition, you cannot directly type in a billing code in the billing code entry window.
Apply Default Code when Billing Code not entered Billing Code not Entered
If this function is enabled, a use code is always set while you are logging in with device account.
Display Next Page
Displays the next user (in the order of the registration numbers).
Display Previous Page
Displays the previous user (in the order of the registration numbers).
Show Counts
Displays the counts and the number of pages remaining of the selected user for each
Clear Count
Reset the count of the selected item to "0".
Clear All Count
Clears all counts of the selected user to zero (0).
Show Counts
Displays the counts and the number of pages remaining of the selected user for each
Clear Count
Reset the count of the selected item to "0".
Clear All Count
Clears all counts of the selected user to zero (0).
This setting can only be configured in Setting mode (Web version). It cannot be configured in the touch panel of the machine.