You must be logged in as administrator with local admin rights on
the remote machine to remotely configure it. The RAID controller
default User Name is “admin” and the Password is “0000”.
.2 Web Browser Start-up Screen
The web browser start-up screen will display the current configura
tion of your RAID controller. It displays the Raid Set List, Volume
Set List and Physical Disk List. The raid set information, volume set
information and drive information can also be viewed by clicking on
the “RaidSet Hierarchy” screen. The current configuration can also
be viewed by clicking on “RaidSet Hierarchy” in the menu.
To display raid set information, move the mouse cursor to the
desired raid set number, then click it. The raid set information will
show in the screen.
To display volume set information, move the mouse cursor to the
desired volume set number, then click it. The volume set informa-
tion will show in the screen.
To display drive information, move the mouse cursor to the desired
physical drive number, then click it. The drive information will show
in the screen.