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f) Press [Measure]→[Coverage Map]→[Measurement Setup]→[ACPR]→[Ch Spacing], set the channel interval.
g) Press [Measure]→[Coverage Map]→[Distance Time]→[Repeat Type Time Dist], set the way to map the
information according to the time interval or how to move the distance.
h) Press [Measure]→[Coverage Map]→[Distance Time]→[Repeat Time], set the time which takes to mark data
once on the map.
i) Press [Measure]→[Coverage Map]→[Distance Time]→[Repeat Dist], set the distance which takes to mark data
once on the map.
j) Press [Measure]→[Coverage Map]→[Start Collection], start the ACPR measurement and mark the results on
the map..
The ACPR measurement of the coverage map is shown in Fig. 4-29 as below:
Fig.4-29 Schematic diagram of ACPR measurement