Working with the Measurement Wizard
Spectrum Rider FPH
User Manual 1321.1011.02 ─ 06.00
4. After all the measurements are completed, the R&S Spectrum Rider displays a
message "All Measurements Done" in the wizard message box.
Select the "Continue" softkey. The R&S Spectrum Rider prompts you to save or
discard the measurement results.
Select the "Save Result" softkey to save the results on the selected storage device
or "Discard Result" softkey to discard all the measurement results.
Table 5-2: Softkey in the measurement wizard
Next Meas
The R&S Spectrum Rider proceeds to perform the
The R&S Spectrum Rider finishes the current mea-
surement and begins with the next measurement by
showing the necessary preparation instruction.
Repeat Meas
Repeat the current measurement
If you interrupt the measurement sequence, you can
change the different settings or measurements as if
wizard is not in used. The R&S Spectrum Rider
keeps the results of measurement you have already
When you finished reconfigured the measurement,
you can resume back to the measurement
Skip a single measurement step and continue the
subsequent measurement step
Skipping individual measurements is possible when
you turn on "Allow to skip measurements and finish
wizard sequence" in the "Wizard Set Editor" of the
R&S InstrumentView software package.
Abort wizard measurement. The R&S Spectrum
Rider displays a message "Cancel Immediate Wiz-
ard Sequence" in the message box.
If wizard measurement is aborted, the R&S Spec-
trum Rider displays a message "Save Wizard Mea-
surement Results" in the message box.
If wizard measurement result is saved, the R&S
Spectrum Rider returns to the last saved measure-
ment result trace window. If the result is discarded,
the R&S Spectrum Rider returns to the
Exit wizard measurement.
Performing and Configuring Measurements