Installation Instructions for SIS Bus Bar Systems A2MS001EN revision R05
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Fig. 10: Fixation unit (example)
Assemble the fixation units for the bus bars using
the materials included in the scope of delivery and the
installation drawings for the specific project in the
documentation folder.
The materials include (for example):
– Bracket (Fig. 10/1)
– C-profile (Fig. 10/2)
– Fixation clamps (Fig. 10/3)
– T-bolts, conical spring washers, and nuts (M12)
(Fig. 10/4 and Fig. 9/3, 5 and 6)
During installation, make sure the T-bolts M12 rest
properly in the C-profile.
Fasten the fixation units to the floor, ceiling, or wall
according to the installation drawings.
When installing on reinforced concrete, use insulation
pipes and insulation washers.
Secure fixation units to the heavy-duty dowel with
torque. Refer to the dowel package leaflet for torque
After securing with torque, usa a continuity tester to
check the bolted connetions against the installation
drawing in the documentation folder.
Fig. 11: Marking (example)
Mark the bolted connection with a continuous line
which is visible on the bolt head and washer (Fig. 11).
Bolted connections with a marking mean that they
have been secured with the respective torque.
Align the fixation units.
Check the distances of the fixation units and of
the fixation clamps again.