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5.10.1. Adjusting of the scoring depth
At the end of the feeder table an adjusting turning knob
can be found which is to adjust the depth of the scoring.
By turning this know clockwise the scoring depth can be
increased (the gap between the scoring wheels is less)
and by turning the know counter clockwise the scoring
depth can be decreased (the gap between the wheels is
more) according to the thickness and quality of the cover.
5. 11. Stacker unit
It is integrated unit of the machine. Its task is to convey
the bound documents to the stacker. The operation of it
is automatic. When the needed quantity is stacked, the
arm has to be lifted up, the stacker goes up. At this time
the bound books can be take off. By closing back the arm
the stacker returns to the home position.
5. 12. Electric and electronic unit
This is the „brain“ of the machine. The operator of the machine is using it via the
program operated with the touch screen. The other parts of the unit (and also the
servicing part of the program) can be accessed only by a properly trained technician.
5. 13. Display and function
The display and function key is a touch
screen 8“ LCD monitor. The working
parameters of the machine can be
adjusted and checked with the help of it.
By clicking on the icons can be activated
the selected parameters.
5. 14. Pneumatic unit
This unit operates the pneumatic elements of the specified units. It can be accessed
only by a properly trained technician. The machine will not start if there is not air
connected to it. The machine can be equipped with internal air supply unit in option,
please contact your local dealer to purchase this unit.
5. 15. Cover plates
These are the protection covers of the machine. Because of safety reasons do not
operate the machine without these covers!