Renegade Labs Gray|328
Cut and transition (dissolve) capability
Additional monitoring functions. Can monitor either program outputs,
record returns, or preview via solo mode.
Ability to designate some inputs as record returns, independent of
faders, for monitoring the recorded mixer output.
Full 8-bus preview functionality
A Preset bus to designate which channels are transitioned TO during
cuts and transitions
Auto Record handles VTR swapping from the edit system
The eight monitor outputs are controlled by a preview switcher that can
select either the mixer's program output buses or the unmodified record
return inputs for monitoring. The preview switcher also allows for a set of
inputs, configured at unity level and otherwise unmodified, to be used as
record returns that are independent of the faders. This allows fader
channels to be used entirely for mixing sources.
Under ESAM II control, a input pair is assigned an editor crosspoint
number. Each input pair can have an individual crosspoint number,
allowing for eight 2-channel sources; or multiple input pairs can be
assigned the same crosspoint number, allowing for 4-channel and/or 8-
channel source control.
Page 8
Overview of the Gray|328 Mixer