Range/Zoom In
Auto range
is enabled, pressing the plus icon activates
Zoom mode, subsequent presses will increase the Zoom
factor. When Range is set to Manual pressing the Plus icon
decreases the distance displayed onscreen.
Auto range can be enabled and disabled from the Menu:
Menu > Auto range
Range/Zoom Out
When in Zoom mode, pressing the minus icon will decrease
the Zoom factor and finally revert to normal mode. When
Range is set to Manual pressing the Minus icon increases the
distance displayed onscreen.
RealVision 3D controls
When using RealVision 3D sonar you can manipulate the view using touch gestures.
• One finger swipe rotates the image.
• Two finger swipe pans the image around the screen.
• Pinch-to-zoom changes the magnification of the image.
• The Range control determines how far the sonar will ping.