Welcome to the I/Q Analyzer Application
FSV/A3000 I/Q
User Manual 1178.8536.02 ─ 01
Welcome to the I/Q Analyzer Application
The R&S
FSV3 I/Q Analyzer is a firmware application that adds functionality to perform
I/Q data acquisition and analysis to the R&S
The R&S
FSV3 I/Q Analyzer features:
Acquisition of analog I/Q data
Import of stored I/Q data from other applications
Spectrum, magnitude, I/Q vector and separate I and Q component analysis of any
I/Q data on the instrument
Export of I/Q data to other applications
This user manual contains a description of the functionality that the application pro-
vides, including remote control operation.
All functions not discussed in this manual are the same as in the base unit and are
described in the R&S
FSV/A User Manual. The latest version is available for download
at the product homepage http://www.rohde-schwarz.com/product/FSVA3000.
Additional information
Several application notes discussing I/Q analysis are available from the Rohde &
Schwarz website:
1EF85: Converting R&S I/Q data files
1EF92: Wideband Signal Analysis
1MA257: Wideband mm-Wave Signal Generation and Analysis
1EF84: Differential measurements with Spectrum Analyzers and Probes
The R&S
FSV3 I/Q Analyzer application is part of the standard base unit and requires
no further installation.
Starting the I/Q Analyzer Application
The I/Q Analyzer is an application on the R&S
To activate the I/Q Analyzer application
1. Select the [MODE] key.
A dialog box opens that contains all applications currently available on your
2. Select the "I/Q Analyzer" item.
Starting the I/Q Analyzer Application