Alteon Application Switch Operating System Application Guide
Firewall Load Balancing
Document ID: RDWR-ALOS-V2900_AG1302
Using the hash metric, all traffic between specific IP source/destination address pairs flows
through the same firewall. This ensures that sessions established by the firewalls are maintained
for their duration.
Other load-balancing metrics such as leastconns, roundrobin, minmiss, response, and
bandwidth can be used when enabling the transparent load balancing option. For more
information, see
7. Enable SLB.
8. Create a filter to allow local subnet traffic on the dirty side of the firewalls to reach the firewall
9. Create the FWLB redirection filter.
This filter redirects inbound traffic, load-balancing it among the defined real servers in the
group. In this network, the real servers represent IP interfaces on the clean-side Alteon.
10. Enable FWLB.
>> Real server group 1# /cfg/slb/on
>> Layer 4# /cfg/slb/filt 10
(Select Filter 10)
>> Filter 10# sip any
(From any source IP address)
>> Filter 10# dip
(Specify destination IP address)
>> Filter 10# dmask
(Specify destination mask)
>> Filter 10# action allow
(Allow frames with this DIP address)
>> Filter 10#ena
(Enable the filter)
>> Filter 10# /cfg/slb/filt 15
(Select Filter 15)
>> Filter 15# sip any
(From any source IP address)
>> Filter 15# dip any
(To any destination IP address)
>> Filter 15# proto any
(For any protocol)
>> Filter 15# action redir
(Perform redirection)
>> Filter 15# group 1
(To Real Server Group 1)
>> Filter 15# ena
(Enable this filter)
>> Filter 15# /adv/redir/fwlb ena