Alteon Application Switch Operating System Application Guide
Load Balancing Special Services
Document ID: RDWR-ALOS-V2900_AG1302
2: Load Balancing to Multiple IDS Groups
Figure 48 - Server Load Balancing and IDS Load Balancing to Multiple Group, page 315
illustrates a
single Alteon performing both standard server load balancing and IDS SLB. In this example, two IDS
groups are configured: IDS Group 51 is for HTTP traffic only, and IDS Group 52 is for all other traffic.
Figure 48: Server Load Balancing and IDS Load Balancing to Multiple Group
When the same Alteon is configured to load balance real servers and IDS servers, filter processing is
not required on the client processing port (port 25). To maintain session persistency, if you add the
filter to the client port, Alteon can be configured to hash on both the client IP and virtual server IP.
This ensures that both client and server traffic belonging to the same session is sent to the same
IDS server. If you do not add the filter on port 25, then Alteon hashes on the client IP address only.
To load balance to multiple IDS groups
1. Set up the IDS servers.
For information on setting up the IDS servers, see
Setting Up IDS Servers, page 311
. To
configure the IDS servers as real servers you must consider the following:
Connecting the IDS servers
Choosing the health check
Configuring the IP addresses
For more information on each of the above items, see