Alteon Application Switch Operating System Application Guide
Server Load Balancing
4. It is required to modify URLs in the body of the response, so set the body to include.
5. Set match criteria:
6. Set the required action. Path match was set, so an action also must be specified. In order not to
change the path, use replace with the same path string.
7. Enable the rule and the rule list.
8. Apply and save. You can use cur to see the complete rule list configuration:
>>URL Modification add-new Rule 10#body
Current rule body: exclude
Enter new rule body [include|exclude] [exclude]:include
>>URL Modification add-new Rule 10#
>>URL Modification add-new Rule 10#match
>>URL Match#path
Current path match configuration:
Enter path match-type [sufx|prefx|eq|incl|any] [any]:sufx
Enter path to match:cars
>>URL Modification add-new Rule 10#action
>>URL Match#path
Current path action configuration: none
Enter path action-type [insert|replace|remove|none] [none]: insert
Enter path to insert: new-
Insert the specified path before or after the matched section? [b|a]: b
>>URL Modification add-new Rule 10#ena
>>URL Modification add-new Rule 10#..
>>URL Modification rule-list add-new#ena
>>HTTP Modification rule-list add-new# apply
>>HTTP Modification rule-list add-new# save
>> HTTP Modification rule-list add-new# cur
Current Httpmod Rule-List add-new:
1: enabled
element url
protocol http, port 0
path suffix cars
protocol http, port 0
path insert new- before
direction response
body include